Friday, November 18, 2005

Do You Realise, That One Day Everyone That You Know Will Die.

i have to run away in a minute to see Architecture in Helsinki, so i wont have to time to go over this and check for spelling mistakes and stuff like that. OK? a funny thing happened the other night when i went back to see "Fearless Freaks! The Improbable Story of the Flaming Lips". First of all, it was actually on. I used my free ticket and bought a huge box of popcorn. This time the theatre seats were teorquoise, and full. Within 2 minutes of the film starting, i knew it was going to be GOOD. and it is great. The bit i cant forget is the 5 minutes spent on Steven Drozd shooting up heroin. Or rather, telling Bradley how he got addicted, and what his life is like right now, broken up with longterm girlfriend, wasting every cent on heroin, worrying everyone to death that he will die. they left out the actual injection. i was squirming in my seat hoping they wouldnt show it. this part of the film made me cry, whereas i couldnt help smiling madly at the rest of it, beaming at big shiny Wayne Coyne with his mad hair and rumpled, blood stained suit. That was another unforgettable piece. he related seeing a photograph of miles davis this one time. Miles Davis was doing a concert, and before he went on he stepped outside for a smoke, whereupon a policeman beat him over the head. A photographer took some great photographs of Miles after the incident, and he happened to be wearing a yellow brazer, which showed the blood up real good.

Oh, i really i ahve to go soon.

When the film was over everyone started clapping. This was good, I totally wanted to clap, but i also wondered why..Til the director stepped out in front of the screen! He was there to answer questions and talk abuot the film. He seemed kind of nervous, and i couldnt think of anything to ask, so i tried to look reassuring if he happened to look at me. Other people asked interesting things like, "did you diret steven in that part where he shoots up?" and bradley answered something like, "no. i was nervous going to see him. when i got there he said, "you gonna ask me questions?" and i didnt know what to say. I thought it was going to be really awkward, but then after a few minutes, i realised for him this was a simple activity like making a cup of coffee. It was pretty gruesome, there was 45 minutes of footage of Steven trying to find a his arm, in his foot, in his hand..he was bleeding."

I learned about the Flaming Lips' feature, something about aliens..and that the singer of Mercury Rev used to be in the band. I think the Flaming Lips don't know how great they are.

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